Monday 22 August 2016

Amy Tan is Really Fun

In the video, Amy Tan talks about how we get creative. She talks about how it comes from everywhere in our lives such as from childhood traumas, things we grew up with that made a rather negative impact on our lives as we grew up. It may even come from our past lives, things that we experience subtly being passed on to our current lives. Another method of where creativity come from may be from psychosis or depression, or temporal lobe seizures, as crazier ideas sort of appear and they can be very different from a mentally healthy person. And from a healthy person's point of view, that sort of craziness or maybe darker tone would appear "creative" as they are not exposed to it as often.

Creativity may also come in the form of hints from the universe, such as random convenient coincidences happening when you need them to. In actuality, they are already in front of us but only when we narrow down our thoughts do we truly notice that they are there. 

Strange as it may be, the uncertainty is a good thing as it pushed us to think further ahead and come up with many answers and even more questions to ponder about.

Tony Fadell Here's a Medal

In the video, they talk about how we do not notice the simplest things in life mainly because we are already used to them being in a certain area or time. For example, the stickers on the apple were a hassle when it was first introduced, however over time, people started getting used to it and accepting it for what it is. Meaning, people start noticing less in their life and getting less alert about their surroundings. However, the reason why we do not notice every little detail is because it would be exhausting.

An example about how noticing some details could make a big change is how Mary Anderson noticed that drivers had to open the windows of their vehicles to wipe the snow off their window. Though the drivers thought nothing of it, Anderson thought one step ahead and eventually, this lead to the invention of the windshield wiper.

Fadell talks about how Steve Jobs challenged them to view their own products through the eyes of the buyers, making them realise that customers have to charge the things they purchase before using, which is of course irritating to need to wait longer before being able to use it. Hence, they made it so that the product is fully charged and ready to use when opened.

We have to step back from accepting and tolerating or enjoying things and realising the missing things they require and improve them further, rather then ignoring it. We should ask more about every little detail.

Bucket List of That and This

I have an ongoing bucket list of things I want to try out in my life and none of them has been done so far.

1. See a therapist
This has been on the list for a long time and I just wanted to experience seeing a therapist.

2. Act on TV or theatre as a career
This means as a one-time thing. I really wanted to do an actual performance just because I find it really fun.

3. Visit Japan with my friends
I have went to Japan with my relatives but the friendship goal that we've been discussing since young was to get ourselves to Japan.


4. Own a pet dog/cat
I'm both a cat and dog person.
5. Sleep on a waterbed
Apparently this is something easily done but I have never seen an actual water bed so anyone who says this is easy, bring me the bed.

6. Have a re-wedding for my parents
So basically my parents never had any pictures of their wedding celebration and this sounded like something I wanted to do for them when I grow up.

7. Finish a piece of published work
I laugh at my ambitions mixed with procrastination and lack of experience but I really have been trying since Primary school to write a story. Well the published work doesn't necessarily have to be a book but I do prefer that.

8. Shave bald
I don't know. Just a constant temptation.

9. See a psychic.
This really excites me. But there are many fake psychics so it's probably going to be hard. But I really want to learn about my past lives and honestly, that's all I'm interested in because I'm the sort of person who concerns over the past more then the future. The unknown really amuses me and I love knowing the meaning of my dreams and what not.
That's it so far. It's a short list but I think the contents are pretty meaningful.

Friday 5 August 2016

Actual Art for a Start

I really like Lasalle for how it looks. The structure makes it look like a piece of art itself.

The windows are all slanted at an angle and it has a sophisticated feel about it. It looks really pretty.

The doors are just a block and can be turned 360 degrees. I want a door like that for my room in the future but maybe it would end up being really annoying and dangerous to use in a room.

I love NAFA.

Harry Potter and Wow Nevile Got Hotter

So I have finally began reading Harry Potter. I am on book 3 and almost finished with it. I WANT TO READ IT FASTER SO I CAN START ON THE CURSED CHILD AND ALL THE OTHER SIDE BOOKS. J.K. Rowling is now my new inspiration because she is so casual about everything.
Oh my dear Professor Longbottom.

I love how the series create a complex world where it explores every inch like their shopping district, their schools and sorting ceremonies, their cuisine, the wands, the spells and so on. I went to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Universal Studios Japan and it was so amazing. Their shops with the Every Flavour Beans and Chocolate Frogs and Butterbeer and Olivander's and honesty the best of all, the theme song playing on repeat making it feel like you are stepping into Diagon Alley and away from the muggle world.
On the Pottermore site, we get to read up about other things that may not focus on the book itself, such as the story of how Ilvermorny School (American Hogwarts ha) was founded, how the wood and core ingredient makes up a personality for every wand, the production of the upcoming film "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" with Newt Scamander and much more.
Oh my dear Newt Scamander.

What's most interesting in Pottermore is the sorting quiz for Hogwarts and Ilvermorny and the wand quiz.
I am a Slytherin in Hogwarts and proud to be one. Slytherins aren't necessarily evil and even though it is true most evil wizards and witches were in Slytherin, there are good wizards and witches from the house. And it is so sad how they are treated some times and being a Slytherin doesn't mean you have to bully people and what not. You could be in Slytherin because, as it stats above, you are ambitious and determined. And also, let's not forget we have a whole load of powerful wizards here, Bellatrix Lestrange, Merlin (something related to the award First Class Order of Merlin) and SEVERUS SNAPE.
I don't know anything about Ilvermorny but Thunderbirds are adventurers how cool is that. I love the idea of adventure.


I hope J.K. Rowling would write a story set in Ilvermorny. She did say Harry Potter is officially over after the release of the Cursed Child but that doesn't mean it is the end of the wizarding world itself.
And finally my wand. Remember how I am in Slytherin?

Ok so first up oak wood makes the wand loyal and basically a good wand. Guess what rumor there is? Merlin (probably powerful Slytherin wizard aha) was said to have a wand made of oak wood. How cool is that? The wood is already making it Slytherin material.

Next, dragon heartstring core. It is good for Dark Arts. Guess which house leans towards the Dark Arts? THAT'S RIGHT! SLYTHERIN!

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Steven Johnson How Awesome

In this video, Steven Johnson talks about how ideas don't usually come from moments when we are working. In fact, the most ideas some from time when we are around others and perhaps having a casual conversation, or relaxing. He gives examples about how the coffee shop is involved in many people's recollection of how their ideas came about and how the GPS was created from two people thinking up a simpler idea during a lunch break.

He talks about how we should have a livelier environment to stimulate our creativity and share our ideas so we can come up with something big. We should have more open spaces to speak out our ideas because when we are away from our work, most of the time it inspires greater idea that were not as clear in our minds when our heads were filled with work and focused. 

He uses the story of how the GPS began to tell us that one small idea that seemed to make little difference at first can eventually become something used worldwide and change our lives. He uses the Darwin example too to tell us how an idea may be in our head for a long period of time but might only becomes clear to us in a later stage.

All in all, the video talks about how ideas don't usually come from where you'd expect them to come from, in an office or a lab or a workshop, and may actually come from places like a coffee shop.

Monday 1 August 2016

Halsey and Posey

One of my favourite singers is Halsey so I'm going to talk about her song and music video for Colours. The whole story that happens in it is so well made it is like an entire novel paced perfectly into a song. I won't spoil but the plot twist is the second best I have ever seen, the first being Stonehearst Asylum. And for a music video to take second place in my list of best plot twist is very good.

The faded colours makes it look really aesthetics, which really gives me the same feeling of holding a book and reading an actual book. It gives the whole music video a rather classy feel to it, which compliments the persona in the song's expected behaviour.

Look at Tyler Posey appearing in the music video.

My favourtie line in the song is "Everything is grey, his hair; his smoke; his dreams and now he's so devoid of colours he don't know what it means." Yes. Yes you guessed the plot twist. Please listen to the song.